Title: "It's Been a Very Good Year" A modest restatement of the Frank Sinatra standard, "I Was a Very Good Year. To hear the Sinatra version click here:
96th and Penultimate…" Here is the definition from the Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary:
Main Entry: pen·ul·ti·mate
Pronunciation: pi-'n&l-t&-m&t
Function: adjective
Date: 1677
1 : next to the last: the penultimate chapter of a book>
2 : of or relating to a penult: a penultimate accent
- pen·ul·ti·mate·ly adverb
"… Lee Rodgers and Melanie Morgan …" I appear on KSFO every-other-Monday morning from 7:00 to 7:30AM PST. The alternate Mondays belong to the Wall Street Journal's John Fund.
"Mullings first went on the road in August …" To see the Mullings from the straw poll, go here: Thursday; Friday; Saturday (the day of the Straw Poll); and Sunday (the results of the Straw Poll)