McCain Looks Like a Million
Friday, February 4, 2000
- TITLE: "McCain Looks Like a Million" This is what makes politics fun. McCain has raised over a million dollars since Tuesday - on the internet alone.
- "Let's take a look at that Bradley/Gore surprise…" The conventional wisdom was there were not enough independent voters available for both McCain AND Bradley to win in New Hampshire. That turned out to be true, but only because McCain took so many of them. There actually were enough independent votes for both to win, but the split wasn't quite even enough.
- "If nothing else, New Hampshire…" This is not to say McCain WILL lose, it simply means he can now afford a loss there.
- "'Prime Time Al' Gore …" For the complete AP story on Gore's wasted trip back to DC go here:
- "Capital Style magazine …" Does not even have its own web site.
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