Gore Tries To Make Point on Abortion
By Sandra Sobieraj
Associated Press Writer
Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2000; 5:58 p.m. EST
–– Under scrutiny for old anti-abortion views, Al Gore hustled off the
presidential campaign trail Wednesday in hopes of casting a tie-breaking Senate
vote demonstrating he's squarely in support of abortion rights. But Republicans
denied him that drama.
Senate passed a bill on a minor abortion-related matter 80-17, leaving the vice
president with no vote to cast and nothing much to do.
never going to let him break a tie vote again," Senate Majority Leader
Trent Lott said, mindful of Gore's frequent campaign boasting about the vote he
cast last year to pass a gun control bill.
spectacle played out the morning after Gore's uncomfortably close Democratic
primary win over Bill Bradley in New Hampshire. Bradley narrowed Gore's
advantage with women by disputing his contention that he had always been for
abortion rights and calling attention to dozens of anti-abortion votes or
statements Gore made as a Tennessee congressman until the mid-1980s.
hectic trip to Washington left Bradley smiling. "How did the vote turn out?"
asked Bradley, also campaigning in New York. "The vice president didn't
cast the tie-breaking vote, I guess. I'd rather be in New York."
president of the Senate, Gore could have voted to break a tie, and had rushed
to Washington from New York thinking the Senate might be deadlocked.
vice president left New York in such a hurry that he even beat Air Force Two to
from a post-midnight flight out of New Hampshire and a predawn wake-up call for
TV talk shows, Gore was glad-handing New York commuters in Grand Central
Station when Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota reached him
by cell phone to tell him the vote looked close and could come in a little more
than two hours.
route to LaGuardia airport, aides called from the motorcade to book seats for
Gore and a mini-detail of Secret Service agents on a US Airways shuttle. Air
Force Two's crewmembers, still at their hotel and not scheduled to fly until
the afternoon, could not be mobilized that quickly in a non-emergency.
Gore arrived on Capitol Hill to find Republicans lining up in favor of the
Sen. Bob Kerrey, D-Neb., a Bradley supporter, said of the day's stagecraft.
"Just when you thought you've seen it all."
bill in question would prohibit people found to have violated laws protecting
abortion clinics from using bankruptcy proceedings to escape fines and civil
judgments. Republicans denied they backed the bill merely to stop Gore from
voting, even while making it clear they did not much like the legislation.
with nearly 20 Democratic senators and representatives before the vote, Gore
said: "The larger point we want to make here is women must have the right
to choose."
lead among women was in the teens in some tracking polls a week before the New
Hampshire primary but Bradley shrunk the gap as he criticized the vice
president for being untruthful on his abortion record and other matters.
polls found Gore won among women by 6 percentage points – 53-47 – and that women
made up the biggest part of the Democratic electorate.
Gore's record in the Senate from 1986 until he moved to the White House in 1993
was scored solidly in favor of abortion rights by activists, his earlier words
and votes are at odds with his claim in New Hampshire that he has "always
been pro-choice." Under questioning, Gore later admitted he has changed
his mind on some abortion matters.
the House, Gore supported amending the definition of "person" in
civil rights legislation to include a fetus. He also opposed Medicaid financing
of abortion in all cases – including rape and incest – except where the woman's
life was in danger.
1984 Gore wrote "It is my deep personal conviction that abortion is wrong
... innocent human life must be protected." And in 1987 he equated
abortion with the "the taking of human life," a statement he later
Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y., said Gore's previous stance is familiar to
abortion-rights activists and she did not expect its resurrection now to
resonate much in New York, where Bradley has a chance to wound Gore in the
March 7 primary.
right to abortion "is a very big issue up there, but whatever he used to
be, I'm glad he's with us now," she said.
spokesman Eric Hauser said abortion rights are "such a fundamental
principle, and given how strongly pro-life (Gore) was before, he should explain
why he changed."
the day's drama, Air Force Two caught up with Gore at Andrews Air Force Base in
Maryland, and he then flew west to campaign in Ohio and California.
Ohio State University, more than 1,000 students cheered Gore, who said his
campaign was "in the end zone." He made no mention of his hectic
morning efforts.
accepted the endorsement of Columbus Mayor Michael P. Coleman, who took office
on Jan. 1 as the city's first Democratic mayor in 28 years. Looking ahead to
the state's March 7 primary, Gore asked students to help him organize in every
county. "Right here in Ohio where the rubber meets the ground, where the
grass roots begin ... you can make the decisive difference," he said.
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