Politics Ain't Beanbag
Wednesday, November 17, 1999
- Hillary Clinton's faux campaign for U.S. Senator from New York has hit some very real bumps in the campaign trail. First, her performance in the Middle East last week was so inept it made George W look like John Foster Dulles by comparison.
- Next, the New York Times editorially called Hillary's campaign tactically clumsy and reminded New Yorkers that this was just latest example of sailing over her own foreign policy torpedo following on the heels of her first declaring Palestinians should have their own state, then backing off that position; and her endorsement of, then opposition to, President Clinton's clemency for those Puerto Rican terrorists.
- If that weren't enough, New York Democratic Chairwoman Judith Hope (whose true claim to fame is having appeared with me on a Montel Williams show) said publicly that Hillary should "give up her day job" as First Lady and concentrate on being a candidate for Senate. "Perhaps she should put a cot in that house in Chappaqua," Ms. Hope said.
- A couple of weeks ago Donald Trump said the Clintons should have consulted him before they bought that house. Maybe they ought to give him a jingle to see if he'll handle its sale.
- Speaking of campaigns whose troubles just won't go away, the campaign of Al "The Environmental Vice President" Gore received more bad news the other day when it was announced that two major environmental groups - The Lake Michigan Federation and the National Wildlife Federation - had filed suit against the Clinton/Gore Environmental Protection Agency for the Administration's inaction in cleaning up the Great Lakes.
- Al "The Women's-Rights Vice President" Gore is also having to answer for the results of negotiations between Congressional Republicans and Bill "The Comprising (if not compromised) President" Clinton on limits on family planning activities by United Nations agencies. According to the President of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, "If (Gore) doesn't speak up, his silence will be eloquent and be noted."
- Al "The Recipient-of-the-AFL-CIO-Endorsement Vice President" Gore is in a corner for Bill "The Free-Trade-President" Clinton's almost giddy announcement of a trade deal with China which John "The Very Unhappy President of the AFL-CIO" Sweeney called, "disgustingly hypocritical."
- Mr. Sweeney was among the nearly 200 people - Political, Media, and Administration heavies (about 197 of them Democrats) - and me, who showed up at a party celebrating the publication of the NY Times' Adam Clymer's biography of Ted Kennedy last night. In spite of the fertile ground, I was unable to pick up any Mullworthy tidbits
- The White House and the Congress are trying to agree on a point-four-per-cent across-the-board spending cut which Congressional Democrats are saying is too much. A family making $60,000 per year would have to cut $240 out of their annual spending. 20 bucks per month. Five dollars per week. Doable for most of us. I understand the scale at the federal level is almost infinitely larger, but the concept remains.
- You would think the National Transportation Safety Board could afford a higher-tech transfer apparatus for black boxes recovered from air crashes. Footage of the Egypt Air boxes showed the kind of Styrofoam cooler (with the letters "NTSB" drawn by hand in black magic marker) you might find lying in the parking lot after a high school football game in the town where they filmed "Deliverance".
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