La Lobo's Greatest Hits
Friday, November 5, 1999
- An article in the scientific journal "Nature" describes an experiment in which a married pair of biologists transplanted hair-growing cells from the man to the woman and the cells grew hair. Without going into the details of the experiment this will be, I guarantee, the subject of Naomi's next book: "She supported him all through law school, she transplanted her hair cells to him when he started going bald, then he left her for a red-head."
- Speaking of Naomi playing Darla to Al Gore's Alfalfa, the Naomi Wolf thing will have legs - and darned cute ones, too, if you know what I mean. A number of lawyers with Federal Election Committee experience wrote to say that to be on the completely legit side of the law, the Gore campaign should (or should have) listed Naomi's fees as a memo entry on his FEC report.
- Gore said on Sunday that his campaign was not only complying with all the FEC rules and regulations but that they were going way beyond what was required. Apparently, that's so much Hertz: Not exactly.
- Regarding her $15,000 per month fee, math majors all over Washington whipped out their pocket calculators and determined that works out to $180,000 per year which is more than the Vice-President, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, or the Speaker of the House earns.
- Back in the day, Babe Ruth earned $80,000 in 1930. When asked how it felt to be making more than the President of the United States, the Babe said, "I had a better year." So has Naomi.
- So, now the geography tests start for George W. In an interview on a television station in Boston, Bush was asked to name the leaders of four international hot spots. He got one of the four correct. All over America, volumes of "Information, Please Almanac" were flying off bookstore shelves faster than copies of "Leaves of Grass" during a Clinton summer vacation as the other candidates began memorizing the listings under "Heads of State."
- At a dinner put on by the National Journal last night. Editor Michael Kelly said, "you can make money in this country putting out junk, but we decided we would produce publications of high quality aimed at those for whom politics and policy are a passion." I don't make THAT much money.
- As the dust begins to settle from Tuesday's elections, it becomes more clear this was a 10th Amendment election. Local issues, put forth by local candidates decided the elections, not the two major party committees located in Your Nation's Capitol.
- The problem for the GOP will be to protect against putting all its chips into winning back the White House and finding it has lost hard-earned ground at the courthouse, and city hall.
- Here's news. U2 rocker Bono appeared in Washington, DC yesterday to urge Congress to forgive $1 billion in debt owed to the US by poor nations. Bono is Irish. Erin go braugh, pal.
- The Congress and the President now look like they are on track to adjourn on Wednesday, November 10. The House and Senate are not scheduled to return until the State of the Union address on January 24, 2000. That means we can all sleep soundly for ten weeks knowing the House and Senate are out of session, and Bill Clinton is out raising soft money.
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