La Lobo's Greatest Hits
Friday, November 5, 1999
- Title: "La Lobo's Greatest Hits" A pun on Los Lobos. Naomi Wolf. Lobo is Wolf in Spanish. Throw me a bone, here, people.
- "Naomi playing Darla to Gore's Alfalfa …" On the old "Our Gang" comedies the femme fatale was named Darla. Alfalfa is a pun on the alpha male thing. Throw me a bone, here, people.
- "…so much Hertz: Not exactly." Which is Hertz' current ad slogan.
- "Back in the day…" The President in 1930 was Herbert Hoover. Ruth HAD had a better year.
- "Leaves of Grass…" One of the books Clinton gave Monica was a copy of Leaves of Grass which, allegedly was a gift he presented to other girlfriends… and wives.
- The "National Journal" publishes a bunch of things in addition to its namesake magazine, including Congress Daily, the Hotline, and as of a couple of weeks ago, the Atlantic Monthly.
- "… this was a 10th Amendment election." The 10th Amendment to the Constitution is the one which reads: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
This Amendment has been observed in the breach for most of this century. Moving power back to the States has been, IMHO (which is newsgroup-speak for In My Humble Opinion), the biggest success of the Republican takeover of the House.
- "U2 rocker Bono…" Real name, Paul Hewson, born in Dublin in 1960.
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