
Very, Very Kerrey
Friday, April 27, 2001
- This Bob Kerrey story. I am thinking about this as a White male from the psychological and physical safety of more than a third of a century removed from the time and place of the events in question.
- Like many men of my age, I suffer from what MSNBC's Chris Matthews once described as "buyer's remorse" over missing the single most important event of our generation: the Viet Nam War.
- Like many men of my age I didn't run to Canada (or Oxford). I didn't march in protest. I didn't burn my draft card (do they still HAVE draft cards?).
- Like many men of my age, I joined the National Guard. In terms of rank: I served a six-year parabolic career, starting and ending as a private. I served, not in the jungles of Southeast Asia, but in the safety of suburban New Jersey and Southeastern Ohio.
- The most danger I was ever in was in a mission to preserve the integrity of The Oval - literally a round lawn - at Ohio State University from the terrors about to be visited upon it by a couple of hundred college undergrads who were torn between being angry over having riot-geared soldiers on their campus, and having a really bad case of the munchies.
- National Guard duty was in no way analogous to service in the war.
- I lost a couple of nights sleep. Bob Kerrey lost part of his leg. And, like many men of my age, maybe a part of his soul.
- Here's a true tale about those days. The Students at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, had misbehaved and the institution was shut down. My Guard unit, located about 40 miles away in Marietta, Ohio, was called out to help the local police and sheriff's deputies keep control.
- We were camped out in the sheep barns at the county fairgrounds. The university was closed, so we were driving around in jeeps, carrying rifles with live ammunition (rubber bullets weren't yet in vogue), guarding empty buildings - including empty dormitories.
- I, in the manner which will not surprise regular readers, went up to the battalion commander and suggested to the colonel that we SLEEP in the dorms and GUARD the barns.
- He said we couldn't do that because there was fear in Columbus that some soldiers might get drunk and tear up a dorm room.
- "Just so I understand the concept," I more or less said. "The geniuses at State Headquarters don't mind us running around with loaded guns, but they're afraid someone will wreck a sink or a toilet bowl?" He shrugged and sent me on my way. One stripe lighter.
- Maybe there WERE some analogies between the two types of service.
- The answer to the draft card question, a Catchy Caption, and the usual stuff on the Secret Decoder Ring.
- Some people, of course, are granted the serenity of NOT being haunted by their past. Over the past week:
A woman named Pauline Kanchanalak, who pleaded guilty last June to making illegal contributions of more than $690,000 to Democrats in return for access to former President Clinton and other officials, was sentenced to probation and a fine;
Nevertheless, The MSS Hillary hosted the first special interest fundraiser at her mansion in Washington where signs warning: "Post No Bills" were not, but should have been in evidence. Senator Russ Feingold (of campaign finance reform fame) showed up, as did NY Rep. Charles Rangel who said people came because (this is true), "They want to see if there's any White House furniture there."
And, Democratic National Committee chairman, Terry McAuliffe, The President's Fundraiser, (who has never been charged with any wrong-doing but must have been playing the piano REALLY LOUDLY while he ignored what was going on in the rooms upstairs) sent a letter to the Internal Revenue Service demanding an investigation into the Bush recount committee finances.
- Isn't there some urban legend that if you turn someone into the IRS they audit you, too?
- The Mullmobile takes to the road again this weekend, this time for a Sunday evening Lincoln Day speech in
Hanover, New Hampshire for the Grafton County Republican Party. Long-time pal, Nancy Dwight, will do the intro honors. We are hoping she remembers - WE ARE HOPING SHE REMEMBERS - our mutual non-aggression pact remains in place.
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