
Very, Very Kerrey
Friday April 27, 2001
- TITLE: "Very, Very Kerrey" Former Senator Bob Kerrey, now the President of the New School University in New York city, is a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor.
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Or Oxford
" A slap at former President Clinton who went to Oxford University on a Fulbright Scholarship and may have twisted the truth, in order to stay out of the draft but not look like he was doing so.
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case of the munchies
" In those days, at Ohio State, it was generally agreed that the students were nothing more than a bunch of pot-smoking hippies.
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Are draft cards still
" From the Selective Service System's web page:
Is Selective Service issuing draft cards?
No. No one has been drafted since 1973, and it would require an act of Congress to reinstate the draft.
Most Americans over the age of 30 remember the "draft card" which Selective Service issued to each man at the time he registered. For many years there were in fact two cards: the Registration Certificate and the Notice of Classification. When Selective Service began to store records on computer tapes in the early 1970s the two cards were combined into one computer-generated Status Card. At no time was the card officially titled "draft card," but it was by this colloquial name that the proof of registration was usually known.
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rubber bullets were not yet
" Until Kent State all Ohio National Guard units on patrol carried M-14 rifles with real, 7.62mm ammunition. The concept of non-lethal ammunition had not yet been invented.
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playing the piano REALLY LOUDLY
" There is an old saying: "Don't blame me, I'm only the piano player" which had to do with being able to deny knowledge of events going on around one. The idea comes from the piano player in houses of ill-repute who denied they knew what was going on in the rooms upstairs.
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The Mullmobile is on the road again
" The next speech after this weekend is May 5 in Williamsburg, VA at the Virginia Young Republican's State Convention.
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
"I'm awake. I'm awake. I'm awa
-- AP Photo/Saurabh Das
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