
The Remains of the Day
Monday, February 5, 2001
- Terry McAuliffe, was elected chairman of the Democratic National Committee and greeted the group with clankingly jarring opening remarks which read more as an angry fund-raising letter than as the first speech of a major political party chairman.
- On Meet the Press, yesterday, McAuliffe used the phrase "at the end of the day �" 7,231 times in the 27 minutes of the first segment of the program.
- Hypocrisy Alert: "There is too much money in the political process," ibid.
- When asked by Tim Russert if he had been the hand-picked choice of Bill Clinton, McAuliffe said he had talked to "Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, and John Sweeney," before calling Clinton.
- Interesting, isn't it, that McAuliffe admits he DID check with the President of the AFL-CIO, but didn't even bother to talk with Al Gore?
- Imagine the press outrage if Governor Jim Gilmore, the new Chairman of the Republican National Committee, had said on Meet the Press he had first talked to "Dennis Hastert, Trent Lott, and Wayne LaPierre" before accepting the post.
- Terry McAuliffe, Fund-Raiser-In-Chief for the most corrupt fund-raising operation in modern history and Mortgage-Guarantor-In-Chief for the most outrageous money-grabbing operation in modern history, represents just one more of the many Clinton-droppings left behind following the Rodham-Clintons' non-departure from Washington.
- At the end of the day, Bill Clinton and his major supporters can't abide the sunset.
- The early front-runner for the Gracelessness Award goes to the wife of the former Governor of Missouri, Mel Carnahan. She introduced former-Senator John Ashcroft to the Senate Judiciary Committee, and then voted against his confirmation on the floor of the Senate.
- Carnahan's Wife was not elected to be Senator from Missouri; She wasn't even on the ballot. She has no particular history of civic activism beyond that which we normally expect from the wife of a Governor.
- Carnahan's Wife ignored the grace and style with which John Ashcroft accepted the results of the Missouri Senate race in spite of wide-spread allegations of unusual activity in St. Louis County on election day and election night. And then voted against his confirmation on the floor of the Senate.
- Carnahan's Wife could have voted "Present" or simply not voted at all, if she couldn't bring herself to fly in the face of the Democratic Leadership and vote FOR John Ashcroft. But she didn't.
- Carnahan's Wife is named "Jean." Her first name is not "Grace."
- Forget about who talked to whom about McAuliffe, or who paid what to whom for the pardon of Marc Rich. Inquisitive minds really want to know what the conversation was like between The MSS Hillary and The Bill over The Gifts and The Office Space.
- After two weeks of being held up to scorn by even their closest friends in the media, the culture, and politics, the Rodham-Clintons had to announce she is giving back money to the donors who helped furnish her "It's-Not-Even-Close-To-What-I-Deserve" mansion in the toniest section of Washington, DC; and that he will pay $300,000 per year toward the rent of his "Only-Place-On-The-Planet-Worthy-Of-Me" office space in the highest rent district in New York:
HILLARY: Why do you need so much space in the City?
BILL: Why do you need so much space in Washington?
HILLARY: Because I do. Are there sleeping quarters in that office?
BILL: Well, not SLEEPING quarters exactly. It depends on how you
define sl--
HILLARY: --Ok. Ok. I thought you were going to spend time in
Arkansas working on your library.
BILL: (Laughter)
HILLARY: Well, why do we still need that house in Chappaqua?
BILL: I never thought we did. I was the one, remember, who said
you would have won that election with nothing more than
a post office box address on the Upper East Side.
HILLARY: Never mind that. How are we going to pay for all this?
BILL: We're sending checks to those people for the gifts, right?
We'll just ask them to endorse their checks over to my
foundation, which I can then use to help pay for the
office space in Mid-Town.
HILLARY: Hey, those were gifts to ME.
BILL: The gift to YOU was a Senate seat. Don't be greedy.
HILLARY: You're one to talk.
BILL: Same to �
HILLARY: What �Did � You � Say?
BILL: Nothing. Am I going to see you soon?
HILLARY: (Laughter)
-- END --
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