The Remains of the Day
Monday February 5, 2001
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- TITLE: "The Remains of the Day" The title of a 1993 movie starring Anthony Hopkins - in a film in which he eats no one - and Emma Thompson. Here is a fairly tepid REVIEW of the movie. The film was based on a novel by Kazuo Ishiguro.
- "�opening remarks read more �" Here are excerpts from McAuliffe's remarks:
"And you know this: if Katherine Harris, Jeb Bush, Jim Baker and the Supreme Court hadn't tampered with the results, Al Gore would be President, George Bush would be back in Austin, and John Ashcroft would be home reading Southern Partisan magazine.''
"We won that election, because the country is with us, not with them. Not for spending the whole surplus on tax cuts for the rich. Not for repealing Roe v. Wade. Not for vouchers. Not for trashing teachers. Not for cutting Medicare or cutting Social Security. Not for discrimination against lesbians and gays. Not for spilling oil in Alaska or putting oil derricks in Yellowstone Park. They're not for John Ashcroft. And for gosh sake they're not for refighting the civil war!''
"We will protect voter rights in redistricting. We will take aggressive steps to ensure that the Voting Rights Act and other statutes are complied with strictly in all elections beginning in 2001.''
"For the next four years, this party chairman is going to raise hope, raise expectations, raise issues and raise hell about what George Bush and the Republicans are doing!''
"We will transform the anger about Florida into energy about politics. We will prove there is victory after denial, democracy after Florida, Daschle after Lott, Gephardt after Hastert, and justice after the United States Supreme Court. We will give the American people a Congress they can be proud of, and we will show George Bush the door in 2004.''
- "�Mortgage-Guarantor-In-Chief �" When the Clintons were first beginning the fiction of being New Yorkers and wanted to purchase their house in Chappaqua, McAuliffe offered to personally guarantee the $1.3 million mortgage. That offer was withdrawn in the face of great consternation because guaranteeing a loan is the same as a gift and a $1.3 million gift to a sitting President was seen as modestly excessive.
- "�She wasn't even on the ballot�" Mel Carnahan was killed in a plane crash after the deadline for changing a candidate's name on the ballot. So, Carnahan's wife agreed to run in her husband's stead with the understanding that if Carnahan won, she would accept the appointment to the vacant seat.
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
I Feel Pretty, and Witty, and Wise
A combination of file photos (L-R, top to bottom) show Hillary Health Care Express bus tour in Boston July 31, 1994; at the White House Easter Egg Roll April 12, 1993; at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo in 1993; and as Senator on Capitol Hill, January 25, 2001.
-- Reuters Photo
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