McCain Looks Like a Million
Friday, February 4, 2000
That huge bump that Senator McCain has gotten in South Carolina from his victory in New Hampshire appears to have jolted a number of people off Governor Bush's bandwagon. Of course, in American politics there is no bandwagon so high that some people won't jump off at the first sign of trouble.
Here's a tip for those who want to do well in politics: The McCain campaign has raised something over a million dollars on the internet since Tuesday. Guess who does that work for McCain? MULLINGS sponsor Hockaday/Donatelli Campaign Solutions. Becki Donatelli reported they broke through the million dollar mark at about seven last night. McCain's polling, which predicted the double-digit win, is done by guess who? MULLINGS sponsor Public Opinion Strategies. Bill McInturff says the public numbers showing Bush and McCain within single digits of one another are legit.
Want to be a big deal in a Presidential campaign? Be a MULLINGS sponsor. E-mail me rich@mullings.com for rates.
Let's take a look at the Gore/Bradley surprise. McCain got so many of the independent votes there were not enough left for Bradley to overtake Gore. If McCain had only beaten Bush by, say, 12 percentage points that would have meant enough independents were available for Bradley to have beaten Gore. Gore owes McCain a bottle of Champagne.
If nothing else, New Hampshire has earned McCain the luxury of a loss. He can lose in South Carolina and not be counted out of this race.
The calendar, as we have discussed previously, is better for the GOP than for the Democrats. This sounds counter-intuitive, but the emotional release of having actual election days will make it easier for the Republicans over the next five weeks than for the Democrats. Bush and McCain will lock up in South Carolina on February 19th and then in Arizona and Michigan on February 22nd before Super Tuesday on March 7th.
Al Gore and Bill Bradley will be slinging mud at each other in California and New York for the next five weeks with nothing but the spin patrols on each side to keep score. This is not healthy for the Democrats.
Speaking of mud, still more on the Bob Kerrey outrage. Al Gore has said that his supporters splashing mud and slush on Senator Kerrey in New Hampshire and calling him a "quitter" over the weekend was just in good fun. Some reports also had Gore's humorists calling Kerrey, who lost part of his leg as a Navy SEAL in Vietnam, a "cripple." Kerrey, who has way more class than Gore deserves, said "that's the first honest thing they've said in a week."
"Prime Time Al" Gore raced back to Washington - on a commercial flight, no less - to cast a tie-breaking vote on a minor abortion issue. Unfortunately Republicans in the Senate lined up in favor of the amendment leaving Gore with nothing to do except allow Bradley to poke fun of him for leaving the campaign trail to try and cover up his "evolving" position on abortion.
Capital Style magazine did a profile in its current issue which was not at all as I had originally written it. The old rule used to be: Say anything you want about me, but spell my name right. The new rule is: Say anything you want about me, but get my URL right.
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