The Thinker: Rich Galen
The definition of the word mull.


Secret Decoder Ring


August 08, 1999 Volume II, Number 38
My Yiddisha First-Mama

* Title: There is a famous, schmaltzy Yiddish song titled, "My Yiddisha Mama." Hillary, as First Lady, thereby becomes First-Mama.

* Yiddish, generally. Is largely based upon German and became, for most Jews in Europe (including Russia) the common language. It is written with Hebrew letters and is read from right to left. Many Jewish immigrants who arrived in the wave of the first and second decades of the 20th century were always more comfortable speaking and reading Yiddish than English.

* The annual collectable Christmas tree ornament: The White House issues a commemorative Christmas tree ornament every year with the year engraved upon it. They make very nice, relatively inexpensive, gifts with a Washington, DC flavor.

* Dreidel: Is a child's toy - a top - with which children play at the Hanukkah season.

* Lazio can have the Conservative line: The ballot in New York State is rife with third, fourth and fifth party listings - lines. The largest two are the Liberal line and the Conservative line. IN most cases the Democratic and Republican candidates, respectively, get the nomination from the Liberals and Conservatives but sometimes there is a split.

* Remember the picture of Sammy Davis, Jr. and Richard Nixon? Davis hugged Nixon during an appearance at a rally during the Republican National Convention in Miami. It made all the papers.

* Well, hard cheese: Is a saying, much like tough nuggies.

* Memo to Hillary, that would be traif: Dietary restrictions (Kosher) forbid the mixing of milk products with meat products. Cheese - hard or not - with a hamburger is a violation of those dietary restrictions which, in Yiddish, is said to be "traif" (Tray-f).

* Whew!

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