July 19, 1999 Volume II, Number 32
This Shouldn't Have Happened
Michael Forbes left the Republican party
" -- Forbes, a formerly Republican Congressman from Long Island, announced that he was leaving the Republican party and switching to the Democrats because the GOP had become the "Party of extremists.
The Ransom of Red Chief
" -- In this classic O. Henry story, a young boy, who chooses to go by the name "Red Chief" is kidnapped for ransom. He is so difficult to deal with that the kidnappers try to give him back, but the boy's parents demand money from the kidnappers to take Red Chief off their hands.
there is nothing in McCain's bill
" -- The Bill, known as McCain-Feingold in honor of its principal Democratic co-sponsor Senator Russ Feingold, deals with "soft money" and certain other issues of campaign spending prior to an election. It does NOT deal with "hard money" which is the only type the Bush (or any other Presidential campaign) is permitted to receive.
he overstated his income by about a million dollars on June 30th
" -- Gore's campaign, in a frenzy over the amount of donations Bush's campaign was claiming (about $36 million), said it had raised over $18 million for the first half of the year. The final numbers were about one million less. Bush's campaign, by the way, also misstated it's numbers. The actual amount collected was OVER $37 million.
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