February 10, 1999 Volume II, Number 17
I Can't Find BART, in San Francisco
Title: A pun, of course, on the Tony Bennett song, "I Left My Heart, in San Francisco." BART is the Bay Area Rapid Transit system - the subway.
"I don't believe Bill Clinton's birthday …"
-- The Presidents' Day recess is scheduled to occur over the week which includes the Monday holiday celebrating, jointly, the birth dates of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington.
"… into a Les Miserables remake."
-- Les Miserables is the classic book, play, opera, and movie originally by Victor Hugo which described the life-long pursuit of Jean Valjean by his accuser Javert. The White House made Clinton into Jean Valjean, and Ken Starr into Javert.
"… whether Al Gore will pay the price …"
-- Gore, as Vice President, has been the good soldier throughout much of this - especially since it became obvious the President's poll numbers would remain high. However, without the ability to wreak its revenge upon Clinton, we may see the Left heap it upon Gore.
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