The Thinker: Rich Galen
The definition of the word mull.


Secret Decoder Ring


February 01, 1999 Volume II, Number 13
Is the Halftime Show Over Yet?

Title: "Is the Halftime Show Over Yet? -- The halftime show of the Superbowl gets longer and longer each year. As noted below, it seemed as if this year's show was about seven hours long.

"… Supplication Lunch …" -- Dan Dutko is the chairman of The Dutko Group a big-time Washington lobbying firm to which I was attached for about a year. This lunch was the pay-off of a bet made on the November 3rd elections. I lost, hence, supplication.

"… I searched all over the restaurant for an outraged Senator …" -- When the House Managers wanted to have a chat with Monica Lewinsky the Senate Democrats expressed an unbridled level of outrage. A White House lawyer having a lunch time chat with one of the other two witnesses in the Impeachment Trial evoked no such response. Surprise!

"… ended up on the DNA testing lab floor…" -- Until the DNA tests on THE BLUE DRESS came back positive as Bill Clinton's a number of his defenders publicly bought into his "I never had a sexual relationship with that woman" defense.

"How derivative." -- In really high-toned cocktail parties, the most devastating commentary someone will utter about a play, a movie, or a book is that it is "derivative." I have been to exactly NONE of these parties but my wife, who is invited to many of them as soon as the givers of such parties find out I'm going to be someplace like Indonesia, reports this is true.

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