Good Riddance
Friday, December 29, 2000
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- TITLE: "Good Riddance" Dating from 1533 defined as "the act of ridding" by our friends at Merriam-Webster.
- "�whether it was the end of the Millennium or not �" The year 2000 was not, of course, the signal of the new Millennium as the first year was not year zero. Nevertheless, we don't celebrate years like 2001 (divisible by three) the same way we celebrate years like 2000 (divisible by a thousand).
- "Update Page"Click here to see the latest political and transition news." There is a new section where you can check out what wire services, National newspapers and even Foreign newspapers are covering.
- "�WAS a leap year �" I don't want to go all the way through this again, but not all millennial years are leap years. In fact most are not. Only years ending in three zeros which �oh, nevermind. It was a leap year, leave it at that.
- Here are the Mullings which were referred to in the column:
We Win
It's In His Kiss
Norma-Rae! Norma-Rae!
Welcome to the Hotel California
- "A Thousand Clowns" A 1965 movie based on the Broadway play by Herb Gardner.
In it, Robard's character is a dropout who answers the phone by saying, "Hello? Is this someone with good news or money? No?" And hangs up.
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