Two Words

Friday, December 21, 2001
Missed the Paris Travelogues? See them HERE!
- TITLE: "Two Words" A clever bit of parallel construction using the phrase: "two words" interspersed throughout the column to provide continuity.
- "� International Herald Tribune �" Here is the link to the International Herald Tribune report of the poll
- "... Pew ..." Here, from the Pew Research Center, is their description of who was included in the International Herald Tribune Poll:
Politics: Current or former elected officials at the national level who are influential in international affairs or international economics; political activists who are influential in international affairs or have been active in anti-globalization, environmental or development activities.
Media: Columnists, journalists and editors in print or electronic media who are responsible for the international material covered in their newspaper or broadcast.
Business: CEOs or other senior business people who conduct business internationally; financial consultants or business experts who are known for their international expertise; labor leaders.
Culture: Influential religious leaders; writers or academics who write about international affairs such as globalization, international, environmental and cultural issues.
Government: Current or former senior members of government who deal with international affairs, trade or international finance.
- "� More rather than less �" This was Bill Clinton's promise to the American people regarding providing information about Monica Lewinsky on day TWO of the Lewinsky affair during which Clinton denied was an affair.
- "... Speed limit ..." This line is courtesy of one of my friends in Paris, Barbara McDuffie.
WW II Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
"� And the sun pours down like honey; on our lady of the harbour�" Leonard Cohen "Suzanne"
( AP Photo/Ed Betz)
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