Do as I ... Nevermind

Friday, December 20, 2002
- TITLE: "Do as I ... Nevermind" There are many examples of politicians saying things they either didn't mean, or wish they hadn't said.
- "... Travelogues ..." Here's the link to all the Travelogues of the past few years. They go from the earliest at the top, to the most recent at the bottom.
And here are the links to the current Travelogues:
Chapter 1: Don't Eat the Two-Toned Fish
Chapter 2: Eating Where the Grand Duke Ate
Chapter 3: The Pouring of the Soup
- "... Baltimore Sun ..." Here's a - with apologies to The Note - a "must read" piece by Martin D. Tullai on famous verbal gaffes.
- "... Norwalk Virus ..." This is the class of virus which has attacked passengers on cruise ships recently. If you really
want to know about it, here's a link to the CDC web site.
Mullfoto of the Day: This is the sign on the side of a building in Old Town Alexandria, VA.
I once had a 1979 Mercedes into which Mr. Katz installed a radio. I know Morris Katz. Morris Katz is a friend of mine ...
World War II Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Iraqi Soldiers, in a new charm offensive
suggested by Sean Penn, greet UN weapons
inspectors by singing:
Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome!
Fremde, etranger, stranger.
Gluklich zu sehen, je suis enchante,
Happy to see you, bleibe, reste, stay.
(AP Photo/Dusan Vranic)
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