News in the Vacuum of Facts

Wednesday, December 19, 2001
Missed the Paris Travelogues? See them HERE!
- TITLE: "News in the Vacuum of Facts" Mara Liaison on the Fox News Channel said the other night that there was considerable disappointment in finding bin Laden because we were so close to him last week. Host Brit Hume reminded her that the only organization which had not claimed imminent capture was � the US government.
- "� Joe Btfsplk �" Joe was a Li'l Abner character. Li'l Abner? That was a cartoon strip drawn by Al Capp. It included a bunch of Appalachian-type characters including Sadie Hawkins which gave rise to the "Sadie Hawkins Day Dance" at your college which was - quite possibly - the only date you had until the middle of your junior year. Not me, mind you. You!
 It is also a very far stretched pun on the name of the excellent Pentagon correspondent for NBC, Jim Miklaszewski.
- "... Queen of the Desert ..." A pun on the name of the 1994 movie, "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert." This is the plot outline from the IMDb web page: "Two drag queens and a transsexual get a cabaret gig in the middle of the desert."
- "� Ashleigh �" This is a photo of Ms. Banfield from a Dallas Morning News article:
- "� Is your hair getting lighter? �" Ms. Banfield, a long-time blonde, either dyed her hair or allowed her hair to return to its normal brunette hue upon her shipment to Asia.
- " � Gerry Rivers �" If I have to explain this �
WW II Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
More evidence that the Bush "charm offensive" is not working
(note the Christmas presents in the hands of the leaders)
( AP Photo/White House, Eric Draper)
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