A Ship of Fools
Friday, December 15, 2000
Go here to purchase an on-line copy of "The Plum Book"
- TITLE: "A Ship of Fools" A painting by Hieronymus Bosch, a book by Katherine Anne Porter, a movie by Stanley Kramer, and a song by the Grateful Dead.
- "Recount Results"Click here to see the latest recount news." There is a new section where you can check out what Florida newspapers, other National newspapers and even Foreign newspapers are covering.
- "�Manny, Moe, and Jack �" The three
Pep Boys. A chain of auto parts stores.
- "�need a bigger boat �" In the movie, Scheider plays the police chief who hates the water. He is on Robert Shaw's boat when the huge shark appears off the stern. "I think we're gonna need a bigger boat," he says.
- "�William Marbury �" I'll bet you didn't know that the first name of one half of the famous Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison was William.
This case had to do with a bunch of "midnight appointments" for Justice of the Peace by outgoing President John Adams. Chief Justice John Marshall used this case to establish the principal of Judicial Review of laws saying, "The very essence of judicial duty" is deciding what laws conform to the Constitution. This was done in 1803. The more things change �
Mullings "Catchy Caption of the Day"
"The End
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