But, I Thought They Were Our Friends
Friday, December 13, 1999
- Title: "But, I Thought They Were Our Friends" -- Remember the famous Reagan admonition: Trust, but cut the cards.
- "The Fox/Opinion Dynamics poll …"
have you done any of the following election-related activities this year:
(Yes No)
Donated money to a presidential candidate? 26% 74%
Volunteered time or services to a presidential candidate? 15 85
Watched a presidential debate? 90 10
Visited a presidential candidate's web site? 8 92
- This, from the President's grand jury testimony:
Q: Well, the grand jury would like to know, Mr. President, why it is that you think that oral sex performed on you does not fall within the definition of sexual relations as used in your deposition.
PRESIDENT CLINTON: Because that is - if the deponent is the person who has oral sex performed on him, then the contact is with - not with anything on that list, but with the lips of another person. It seems to be self-evident that that's what it is.
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