Give Them the Keys!
Wednesday, December 13, 2000
Go here to purchase an on-line copy of "The Plum Book"
- TITLE: "Give Them the Keys!" The "Keys" in this instance, are the keys to the official Transition Office which the Clinton/Gore campaign has withheld "pending the conclusion of legal challenges."
- "Recount Results"Click here to see the latest recount news." There is a new section where you can check out what Florida newspapers, other National newspapers and even Foreign newspapers are covering.
- "�Klock �" Mr. Klock, apparently nervous in his Supreme Court appearance on Monday, twice called Justices by the wrong name, including once when he called one Justice by the name of another Justice who is dead.
Mullings "Catchy Caption of the Day"
"In my opinion..."
- " � Governor John Ellis Bush �" Hence "Jeb"
- " � Major League shortstop." Alex Rodriguez signed a 10-year $252 million contract to play shortstop for the Texas Rangers - the team of which President-Elect Bush used to be the managing partner.
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