I'm Tired of the 'Last' Everything of the Millennium
Friday, December 10, 1999
- Title: "I'm Tired of the 'Last' Everything of the Millennium": Everything is the last whatever of the millennium. And then, starting in three weeks we will have to go through the first whatever of the millennium.
- "… only the second President in U.S. history to have been …" impeached.
- "How weird is this business…" Hillary Clinton had reporters into the White House to see the Christmas house decs and also got into what she is packing up for her impending move to New York to run for Senate.
- "… litany of all his legislative successes …" From the White House transcript of the press conference: "But I would also remind you at the end of this legislative session from the Congress, we got 100,000 teachers, 50,000 police, 60,000 housing vouchers to help people move from welfare to work. We passed the Kennedy-Jeffords bill to allow people with disabilities to move into the workplace and keep their medical care from the government. We passed the Financial Modernization Act, which will dramatically, I think, improve financial services, grow the economy. And we've protected the Community Reinvestment Act. We doubled funds for after-school programs. We provided, for the very first time ever, funds to help school districts turn around failing schools or shut them down."
- "…Oliver Wendell Holmes… Click here: for the Encyclopaedia Britannica entry on Chief Justice Holmes.
- "… Republican Party of Ford's Landing …" Ford's Landing is the name of the development in which I (and The James and Mary Matalin, and Gore campaign chairman Tony Coelho, and Bush-For-President political director Maria Cino, et. al.) live.
- "Here's another thought about …" In 1066 William the Conqueror invaded - and conquered - Merrie Olde Englande. As long as we're at the Britannica site anyway, go here: to learn more about old Bill.
- "… the first recorded instance of the cry: "Norm!" …" William the Conqueror was also known as William of Normandy and the invasion of 1066 was known as the Norman Invasion. Norm. Norman. Mead hall. Cheers. That will not be the last pun of the millennium.
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