TITLE: "Daschle: super-majority Leader" A "super majority" is a parliamentary term in which something more than 50% +1 is needed to adopt something. As noted in the column impeachment requires a 2/3 vote, as does a Constitutional amendment.
"... Under Senate Rules ..." The Speaker of the House has similar power on that side of the Capitol. In the House there is a mechanism known as a "discharge petition" which allows 218 Members (a majority - a SIMPLE majority - to take a bill out of the hands of a Committee Chairman and bring it directly to the floor.
"� simple fairness �" Any time you hear a Democratic politician utter this phrase immediately reach for your wallet and move it to a safer place.
"� pay raise �" There was a time when pay raises required an affirmative vote. Those were always bloody battles: Those in close elections had to vote "No" those with safe districts could vote "Yes." In recent years the pay raise takes effect unless the Congress votes NOT to take it.