How Many Barry Richards Are There?
Friday, December 8, 2000
Go here to purchase an on-line copy of "The Plum Book"
- TITLE: "How Many Barry Richards Are There?" This guy has been everywhere. One more week and he'll top Bill Ginsberg's record for tv time by an attorney.
- "Recount Results"Click here to see the latest recount news." There is a new section where you can check out what Florida newspapers, other National newspapers and even Foreign newspapers are covering.
- "� Invasion of the Body Snatchers�" A 1956 Kevin McCarthy Vehicle. Go here to read all about it. The reference is: The secret to not being taken over by one of the pods was to stay awake. You fall asleep, you're snatched.
Mullings "Catchy Caption of the Day"
"Having lost Florida, Al and Tipper ditch Joe and Hadassah."
- "� Hi-yo Silver�" The famous ending to every Lone Ranger episode.
- "�Stevie Ray �" Lott wore a cowboy hat with a huge feather sticking out of one side.
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