Rich Galen Monday December 5, 2005
- "� San Diego Union-Tribune ...": Here's the link to the Union-Trib link to the details of how one contractor spent about $800,000 to buy tens of millions in defense contracts.
- "� Bribe ...": From the Merriam-Webster Unabridged:
Etymology: Middle English, something stolen, from Middle French bribe, brimbe, piece of bread given to a beggar, scrap
A price, reward, gift, or favor bestowed or promised with a view to pervert the judgment or corrupt the conduct especially of a person in a position of trust (as a public official)
Mullfoto of the Day
Where, but California, would they have a place where you can get more smog if you're running short?
Catchy Caption of the Day
Actual Caption:
The Rockefeller Plaza is crowded with people looking at the Christmas tree in New York, December 3, 2005. The 74 foot-tall Norway spruce from Wayne, New Jersey weighs nine tons, is lit with 30,000 lights and is topped with a Swarovski star.
I looked it up for you:
 Sparkling with 25,000 crystals and 1 million facets, the Swarovski Star measures 9.5 feet (2.9 metres) in diameter by 1.5 feet (45 cm) deep and weighs 550 lbs (250 kg).
(REUTERS/Dima Gavrysh)
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