Where's Warren?
Wednesday, November 29, 2000
Go here to purchase an on-line copy of "The Plum Book"
- TITLE: "Where's Warren?" A take on the popular children's puzzle, "Where's Waldo?" Not, I know, a knee slapper, but I watched court proceedings ALL DAY LONG!
- "Recount Results"Click here to see the latest recount news." There is a new section where you can check out what Florida newspapers, other National newspapers and even Foreign newspapers are covering.
Our guy Barry duking it out with David Boies.
- "�accepted those laurels with hearty handshakes �" a perfectly ridiculous pun stolen fair and square from Mel Brooks' film "Blazing Saddles." In the movie the town elders, when the new sheriff (Cleavon Little) rides in, offers up a wreath with the words, "This laurel and hearty welcome." The pun is on the names of the comedy team of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy.
- "� stolen from Broward to pay Palm." I don't know why this struck me as amusing as it is not even close to "robbed Peter to pay Paul" on which according to Bartlett's: "To rob Peter and pay Paul is said to have derived its origin when, in the reign of Edward VI., the lands of St. Peter at Westminster were appropriated to raise money for the repair of St. Paul's in London."
Mullings "Catchy Caption of the Day"
- "� on Court TV �" I guess if the cable news channels can have lawyers holding forth on political issues, Court TV thought it should have a political hack talking about legal issues.
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