Remember the Maine!

Wednesday, November 27, 2002
- TITLE: "Remember the Maine"
 The sinking of the U.S. Battleship Maine in Havana Harbor on February 15, 1898, touched off the Spanish-American war. It is part of American historical tradition (although not historical fact) that William Randolph Hearst sent his favorite New York Journal photographer, Fredrick Remington to Havana to capture the photos of the war. Upon finding no war, Remington asked to come home. "Please remain," Hearst is supposed to have cabled back. "You furnish the pictures, I'll furnish the war."
The Spanish-American War also featured the exploits of the young Lt. Col. Teddy Roosevelt and his Rough Riders.
For a brief history, here is a link to the Library of Congress' brief history of the war.
- Travelogue! - My trip from
Atlanta to Baltimore. I know you think I make this stuff up ...!
- "... Portland Herald-Press ..." Here is a link to the Portland paper's summary of the State Senate race.
- "... Associated Press ..." And here is a link to the Associated Press' update.
Mullfoto of the Day: Now that the U.S.
Congress has passed, and the President has signed, the legislation to establish the new Cabinet-level
"Department of Homeland Security," this sign "Barricade Closed" outside one of the House Office Buildings on
Capitol Hill, shows the real, urgent, burning need for a new Cabinet-level "Department of Redundancies Department."
World War I Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Typical Summer day in Maine
( AP Photo/Joel Page)
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