Does Oh-for-Five Show Voter Indent?
Monday, November 27, 2000
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- TITLE: "Does Oh-for-Five Show Voter Indent?" As noted in the text Gore has lost all five counts, re-counts, state deadlines, federal deadlines and state court imposed deadlines. "Voter Indent" is a pun courtesy of friend Larry Halloran (who, remember, saw the guy in the Oscar Meyer Wiener outfit in Palm Beach County.
- "Recount Results"Click here to see the latest recount news." There is a new section where you can check out what Foreign Newspapers are covering.
- "�the next Bobby Shantz�" Bobby Shantz was a small left-handed pitcher who won the NL MVP award in 1952. He was a perennial Gold Glove award winner. I used to practice finishing my pitching to be like Shantz -- balanced, facing the plate, glove ready to field a batted ball. My fastball, back in those days, was about 47 MPH. Of course we didn't have the high-precision measuring instruments we do today�
Mullings "Catchy Caption of the Day"
"Al Gore and his puppet, Howdy, pose for the Official Photograph"
- "�U.S. Supreme Court �" Here is are the current SCOTUS (Supreme Court Of The United States) Justices, the President who appointed them, and the year they took their seat.
Chief Justice William H. Renquhist - Reagan (appointed to the Court
by Nixon in 1972, appointed CJ by Reagan in 1986)
John Paul Stevens - Ford (1975)
Sandra Day O'Conner - Reagan (1981)
Antonin Scalia - Reagan (1986)
Anthony M. Kennedy - Reagan (1988)
David H. Souter - Bush (1990)
Clarance Thomas - Bush (1991)
Ruth Bader Ginsberg - Clinton (1993)
Stephen G. Breyer - Clinton (1994)
- "�cigars and bongos�" This is a reference which goes all the way back to the Monica Lewinsky/Paula Jones deal. President Clinton was in Africa when he learned his lawyers had won a summary judgement in Jones' case against him. Clinton was captured on tape smoking a cigar and beating on some bongo drums. The phrase "cigars and bongos" became short hand for any celebration the Clinton team did during the ups-and-downs of that period.
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