She's Going to Live WHERE?
Monday, November 24, 1999
- Title: "She's Going to Live WHERE?" One can only guess at the look of joy which passed across President Clinton's face when he learned Hillary was preparing to move into the Westchester house as soon as it is ready.
- "…oratorio …" A large formal musical work for singers and players of instruments which tells a story, usually on a religious subject, without acting.
- "… Through the Looking Glass campaign…" The real title of "Alice in Wonderland" is: "Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There" by Lewis Carroll (1832-1898). For a biography of Carroll (real name, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) go
- "… break out the cigars and bongos …" Last year, while Clinton was in Africa, he received news that the lawsuit brought against him by Paula Jones had been thrown out. Fox news caught footage of Clinton with a cigar in his mouth prancing around his suite playing bongo drums. "Cigars and Bongos" became inside-the-beltway code for any White House celebration regarding the lawsuit or the Monica scandal.
- "… White House lawn pep rally …" Following the House of Representatives vote impeaching President Clinton, the White House decided to hold a rally with leading Democratic Members of Congress on the White House lawn. Al Gore chose that moment to declare Bill Clinton would go down in history as "one of our greatest Presidents." In recent months he has backed off that assessment.
- "The CNN web page story …" For the story click here:
- Happy Thanksgiving.
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