Hanging By a Chad
Saturday, November 11, 2000
- TITLE: "Hanging By a Chad" A chad, as explained below, is that little paper chip which falls off when you punch out a hold on a ballot. Typically chads are die cut to be held on by four corners. Usually they come out completely when the voter punches them, sometimes they don't.
Sometimes they fall out through handling and being run through machines. Sometimes they don't.
- "� Jesse Jackson �" About 16 years ago Jackson called New York City "Hymie-town." Last year he was presented with a Presidential Medal of Freedom. Go figure.
- "Recount Results �"Click here to see the latest recount news from around the country."
Separated at Birth?

For a really good chart of the state-by-state tallies, the Dallas Morning News table is the place to go.
- "...WMOA �" The radio station at which I worked and which was the birthplace of what has now become Mullings. At the time it was called "Rich Galen Comments" and was a two-and-a-half minute commentary on "people and events, in and around Marietta."
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