Every Vote Counts
Friday, November 10, 2000
- TITLE: "Every Vote Counts" Or, at least it should. If nothing else, this election might help people who care about the result actually get off their butts and get to the polls next time.
- "� Worth Avenue �" This is the Rodeo Drive of Palm Beach. All the shops are super-shee-shee, all the ladies are coifed and dressed to the nines, all the credit cards are platinum.
- "� that farm just outside Woodstock." Woodstock, the counter-culture concert held in August, 1969 on a farm in upstate New York is one of those events which, as time went on, almost every person on the planet of the proper age says they attended.
- "Recount Results �"Click here to see the latest county-by-county recount totals from the Associated Press."
Mullings "Catchy Caption of the Day"
The question was, "Would I serve four more years?"
For a really good chart of the state-by-state tallies, the Dallas Morning News table is the place to go.
- "...If the Presidential election goes to the House�" You already know that the House elects the President by state - California gets one vote, as does Delaware. The Senate, which elects the Vice President, votes by individual.
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