The President is Wrong

Friday, November 8, 2002
- TITLE: "The President is Wrong" Note to everyone who has written to me asking why I never say this about President Bush: There.
- "... Press Conference ..." Here's a link to the transcript of the President's press conference.
- "... Election Day Travelogue ..." Here's the link to Chapter One of the Travelogue.
And here's the link to Chapter Two of the Travelogue (Lot's o' photos!).
Mullfoto of the Day: In a city which requires a sign in the doorway of every public building warning all those who enter that there might be something in the construction materials, furnishings, or sale items which is dangerous to the health of the public, you would think someone would notice that this building is not, as the sign indicates, completed.
World War II Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
"Wouldn't you know it? When you want
a trash can to put over your head, you
can't find one anywhere."
((AP Photo/Dennis Cook)
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