And DOWN the Stretch They Come!

Monday, November 4, 2002
- TITLE: "And, DOWN the Stretch They Come!" The phrase made famous by race caller Dave Johnson during the Triple Crown races.
- "... ABC News ..." ABC News' political unit, headed by Mark Halperin, produces a daily e-mail known as "The Note" for political insiders. It began, I believe, during the 2000 cycle when Halperin produced it for the ABC News staff - and included events they should be looking at each day. Halperin allowed some outsiders to see The Note if they promised not to refer to it, forward it, or steal from it. This cycle it has become a staple in political in-boxes all over Washington.
This, from Friday's "The Note":
The Washington Times seems to mean Republican analyst (singular) Rich Galen when it leads: "Furious campaigning by former President Bill Clinton, former Vice President Al Gore and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has turned the midterm elections into as much of a referendum on the old Clinton-Gore platform as one on President Bush, analysts say."
- "... Bill Sammons ..." And here a link to the Bill Sammons piece to which they referred
Mullfoto of the Day: This is a street sign in
San Francisco right off Union Square. It is amusing on any number of levels.
World War II Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Frank Lautenberg reprises his original signing
of the Declaration of Independence ... wearing the same suit.
( AP Photo/Mike Derer)
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