Alpha-Beta-Gamma-Delta ... um, I Forget the Rest
November 3, 1999
- TITLE: "Alpha-Beta-Gamma-Delta …" are the first four letters of the Greek alphabet. The focal point of the Naomi Wolf chatter has to do with her advise to Al Gore that he must stop being the "Beta" male to Clinton's "Alpha" male.
The rest of the Greek alphabet is: epsilon, zeta, eta, theta, iota, kappa, lambda, mu, nu, xi, omicron, pi, rho, sigma, tau, epsilon, phi, chi, psi, omega.
- "The Naomi Wolf flap…" Naomi Wolf is a unreconstructed feminist who was hired by the Gore campaign to help him change his image.
- "Al-fa Gore…" Al-fa for Alpha male. Once I like a joke, I stay with it.
- "It depends on what the definition of 'are' is…" a play on the Clinton defense of whether he was having sex with Monica when he said it "depends on what the definition of 'is' is.
- "Legacy Watch …" Clinton needs electoral victories to be able to claim he and his policies were vindicated by the American people.
- "Who's sitting at their desk …" A trick known to every political campaign is, when voting on one of those bogus on-line polls simply keep pressing the "refresh" (or "reload") button. This also works for incrementing the number of visitors odometer on most pages.
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