Airport Security

Friday November 2, 2001
- TITLE: " Airport Security " Here's what I wrote on Wedndesday: "This is not a very catchy title, but some
days you just have to take what comes." Still true.
- "... House easily passed ..." According to the Associated Press, "Voting yes were 74 Democrats, 211 Republicans and one independent.
Voting no were 136 Democrats, two Republicans and one independent."
- "... my very manly Eddie Bauer green canvas and leather shoulder bag ..." It is a shoulder bag, it
is nota European carry-all. Not that there's anything wrong with them.
- "... full monty ..." This, of course, is from the 1997 movie "The Full Monty," the plot of which is described as:
Six "Unemployed steel workers form a male striptease act. The women cheer them on to go for "the full monty" - total nudity"
- "... change orders ..." Most federal contracts require alterations which are called "change orders."
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
A GREAT pumpkin on a doorstep
in Alexandria, Virginia.
(Mullfoto/Rich Galen)
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