Who Will They Blame?

Friday, November 1, 2002
- TITLE: "Who Will They Blame?" The blame-game on the Democratic side will be the earliest battles of the war to win the nomination for 2004.
- "... Fall Subscription Drive ..." Here's the link to the page which describes the Fall Subscription Drive!.
- "... Stand-in Senators ..." Here's a link to the list of Stand-in Senators going all the way back to 1789.
- "... Bush Bounce ..." Here's a link to a column by the NY Post's Deborah Orin on the effects of a visit by the President.
- "... H.R. Haldeman ..." Haldeman was Richard Nixon's chief of staff who resigned (and went to jail) as part of the Watergate scandal. Here's a link to a short Washington Post bio.
- "... status quo ante ..." From Merriam-Webster's Unabridged:
Status quo: the state in which something is : the existing state of affairs (as in political or social relationships) at the time in question.
ante: before
Ergo, status quo ante is state of affairs as they existed before.
Mullfoto of the Day: 
In spite of airport security; of another leg of yet another trip; and dealing with the mysteries of airline pricing rules, a little girl, in a pink bunny costume, made a bunch of tired middle aged men and women smile.
French World War I Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
I know there's a lei/Monica joke in here somewhere.
( AP Photo/Ronen Zilberman)
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