October 29, 1999 Volume II, Number 69
Seven Candidates, Two Debates, Zero Presidents
- "Mullings' New England Correspondent …" Nancy Sinnott Dwight was the Executive Director of the National Republican Congressional Committee (see below) in the early 1980's when she was 14 years old. Nancy lives in New Hampshire and has been an excellent political observer for many years.
- "… no one up here wears …" The Gore suiting is part of his new image. He went from dark blue suits with white suits to earth toned suits with colored shirts. The additional buzz from New Hampshire was that Gore stayed in the Moore Theater for some 90 minutes after the debate was over talking to the audience members who remained until wife Tipper finally stood up and said "I have to go."
- "…J.R. Ewing …" The character played by Larry Hagman on the long-running television show "Dallas." By the way Southfork is a real ranch just outside Dallas which now is a tourist attraction.
- "Ed Gillespie's …" Gillespie was Dick Armey's communications director, then was the Republican National Committee communications director under Haley Barbour. His public affairs firm is associated with Barbour's lobbying group.
- "NAFDQPS … " For those who have not been paying close attention, I was Quayle's press secretary for his final months as a Congressman and for his first year-and-a-half as a Senator.
- "The National Republican Congressional Committee …" There are three national committees on each side of the aisle: There is the RNC and the DNC, then each side has a House and Senate campaign committee.
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