Back to the Future IV

Monday, October 28, 2002
- TITLE: "Back to the Future IV"

There were three real "Back to the Future" films which were released in 1985, 1989, and 1990. All three starred
Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd.
- "... Fall Subscription Drive ..." Here's the link to the page which describes the Fall Subscription Drive!.
- "... Stand-in Senators ..." Here's a link to the list of
Stand-in Senators going all the way back to 1789.
- "... Pyrrhic victory ..." Although it made my eyes roll back into my head, from the
website, this brief history:
318 - 272 BC
Molossian king of Epirus
He fought at Ipsus in Asia Minor in the service of Demetrius Poliorcetes (later Demetrius I) of Macedon, and by the aid of Ptolemy I he became (297 B.C.) joint king of Epirus with Neoptolemus. He removed (295) Neoptolemus from the throne, but before his kingdom was consolidated he went to war with Demetrius (291-286); Pyrrhus obtained half of Macedonia and Thessaly but was driven back (c.286) by Lysimachus.
He then went to Southern Italy with a large force to aid the Tarentines and defeated (280) the Romans at Heraclea. In the same year Pyrrhus' peace proposals were rejected by the Romans. In 279 he again defeated the Romans at Asculum in Apulia. His heavy losses caused him to declare, "one more such victory and I am lost," thus the origin of the term "Pyrrhic victory."
At Beneventum (now Benevento) he was barely defeated (275) by the Romans. He again attempted to conquer Macedonia, defeating (273) Antigonus II. Turning his attention suddenly to the Peloponnesus, he failed to take Sparta by siege. He then fled to Argos, where he was killed by a mob in the street. He accomplished nothing beyond bringing Epirus to ruin..
- "... Arkansas ad ..." Here's the link to the
ad the Arkansas GOP is running
regarding Pryor and the Flag Amendment. NOTE: The file is about 1 meg and requires Realplayer to watch!
- "... Newt & The James I ..." Here's a link to the transcript which you should print out, and carry around for the next week.
- "... Newt & The James II ..." And here's a link to the Newt Gingrich website where you can listen to the Meet the Press segment.
- "... Ah-Chee-Wah-Wah ..."
 I don't know
that Kramer actually ever said this, but it sounds like something he might have said.
Mullfoto of the Day: 
Sunday morning in
late October. Old Town Alexandria, Virginia.
World War II Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Waiiiiiiit a minute! Newt was supposed to have been the demon?
(AP Photo/NBC, Alex Wong)
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