No More Pollster Jokes
Friday October 27, 2000
- TITLE: "No More Pollster Jokes" I thought it was amusing to do a pun on the phrase "Polish jokes." Obviously, I was wrong.
- "�National tracking polls �" To see a listing from last night, go here.
- "Eighteen months ago �" When Buchanan first began to tinker with the idea of running on the Reform ticket rather than the Republican, there was a great deal of buzz over how many votes he might siphon off from Bush. It turns out it is Nader's third party candidacy which is doing damage - to Gore.
- "� states in which Nader might make a difference �" To see the list go here.
- Mullings "Catchy Caption of the Day"
"See? I TOLD you when you light it, it shoots out like a blue geyser!"
- "Bill McInturff �" Is a principal in the polling from of Public Opinion Strategies.
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