Family Feud

Wednesday October 17, 2001
- TITLE: "Family Feud" This is the story of a brief, but intense, bit of maneuvering over the economic stimulus package which is working its way through the Congress. The feud was between the Administration and the House Republicans.
- "� Travelogue �"
- Click here to see the amusing Atlanta Travelogue:
Parts I, II, & III: The Trip to Reagan
National, Getting Through Reagan National, The Flight to Atlanta
Part IV: Atlanta: The Home of the Braves and the Land of the
Free Local Calls
Part V: I Find the Lines
Part VI: The Plane to Washington
World War II Poster
- "� We'll fix it in Conference �" As we all learned in high school civics, the Congress sends a bill to the President after the House and the Senate have both approved it. Inasmuch as most bills move through the House and the Senate independently, and only one version can go to the President, the differences between the House version and the Senate version are hammered out in a Conference Committee made up of Members of each.
As we have stated here previously, "we'll fix it in Conference," is the standard response to the question: How are you going to get this legislation approved?
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
"Say Goodnight, Gracie."
(Uncredited e-mail)
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