What Happened to Peace & Prosperity?
Monday October 16, 2000
- TITLE: "What Happened to Peace & Prosperity?" Ten days ago it all looked so easy.
- "…with Moses, you know." A take on Gore's claim he had traveled to Texas with FEMA administrator James Lee Witt which (a) was not true, (b) everyone found out was not true, and (c) caused the Gore campaign to be deemed to have "lost" the first debate after having "won" it in the snap polls.
- "…Hail Mary pass …" This is a play, typically a long pass, at the end of the game in which a quarterback heaves the ball into the endzone and hopes one of his guys catches the ball. Sometimes it works.
- Mullings "Catchy Caption of the Day"
"No Kidding? I was born at Brooklyn Jewish Hospital, too!"
- "Great War …" Later, when we realized we DID have to number them, the "Great War" was renamed "World War I".
- Click here to register for the Fox News/SpeakOut internet dial poll of tomorrow night's debate.
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