The Gore Cable Network

Wednesday, October 15, 2003
- TITLE: "The Gore Cable Network" They just don't understand. They think it's all about how the message is delivered and who delivers it. That's wrong. It's all about what the message IS.
Fall Subscription Drive: Here's the link to see if it's time for you to subscribe.
- "� Ad Age �": Here's the link to Ad Age magazine's coverage of the new Gore Cable Network.
- "� CNN's New Primetime Lineup �": Here's the link to the coverage the first night of CNN's new prime time line-up.
- "� Earth Satellite �": Here's a link to the CNN coverage of Gore's wonderful idea for those who want to watch TV but have run out of money to refill their stash of pot.
- "� Naomi Wolf �": Here's a link to a piece by Jake Tapper about Naomi Wolf.
- Mullfoto of the Day:

This is a photo of Christ Church in Old Town on Columbus Day morning. According to the Episcopal Church's history page the building was begun in 1767 and completed in 1773.
According to tradition George Washington announced he was leaving to lead the army of the colonies against the British from this church's courtyard. Robert E. Lee said his farewells from the same place before leaving home to lead the Confederate forces.
World War I Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Welcome to our restaurant, sir. We have a smoking section and a non-smoking section. We also have a stupid section, if the gentleman would prefer.
(REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay )
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