On the Vineyard

Monday, October 14, 2002
- TITLE: "On the Vineyard"
- "... Fall Subscription Drive ..." Here's the link to the page which describes the Fall Subscription Drive!.
- "... Martha's Vineyard ..."
This was a view of the seawall just outside Oak Bluff's on The Vineyard.
- "... How it got its name ..." According to the Martha's Vineyard Chamber of Commerce, Martha's Vineyard was named for one of Bartholomew Gosnold's daughters in 1602. Just who old Bart was and why his daughter's name stuck is not noted, but further research indicates he was a British explorer of the age.
Would Bill Clinton have vacationed here if it were known as "Gosnold's Vineyard?" I ... don't ... think ... so.
- "... Democratic Leadership ..." Here's the list of Senate Democrats voting YES on the Iraq Resolution from the New York Times:
Baucus, Mont.; Bayh, Ind.; Biden, Del.; Breaux, La.; Cantwell, Wash.; Carnahan, Mo.; Carper, Del.; Cleland, Ga.; Clinton, N.Y.; Daschle, S.D.; Dodd, Conn.; Dorgan, N.D.; Edwards, N.C.; Feinstein, Calif.; Harkin, Iowa; Hollings, S.C.; Johnson, S.D.; Kerry, Mass.; Kohl, Wis.; Landrieu, La.; Lieberman, Conn.; Lincoln, Ark.; Miller, Ga.; Nelson, Fla.; Nelson, Neb.; Reid, Nev.; Rockefeller, W.Va.; Schumer, N.Y.; Torricelli, N.J.
The only Senate Republican who voted against the resolution was Chaffee of Rhode Island
- "... UN Security Council ..." The Security Council is made up of five permanent members: US, France, Russia, China, and the UK, and 10 rotating members.
According to the UN web page: Each Council member has one vote. Decisions on procedural matters are made by an affirmative vote of at least nine of the 15 members. Decisions on substantive matters require nine votes, including the concurring votes of all five permanent members. This is the rule of "great Power unanimity", often referred to as the "veto" power.
- Mullfoto of the day:
This is an actual exit sign along US Route 50 in West Virginia for "Cheat Lake" and "Fairchance Rd."
You must understand it is a little out of focus because I was doing about 70, in a rainstorm, at twilight, listening to a book on tape,
while aiming my camera.
Safety, at Mullings Central, is job one.
World War I Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Bill Clinton, speaking in Washington
last week, responds to the question,
"Do you think Jimmy Carter will ever
win a Nobel Peace Prize?"
( AP Photo/Joe Marquette)
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