What if it IS the Economy?

Friday, October 10, 2003
- TITLE: "What if it IS the Economy?" My neighbor, The James, made a career out of saying "It's the economy, stupid," which has been used so often it is like saying "have a nice day!" you want to slug the person who says it.
Nevertheless, in the zeal of the Dems to have the 2004 election be a replay of the 1992 election, they are very eager to point out how weak the economy is. It's up to the GOP to point out the bright spots - and there are many economic bright spots.
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- Mullfoto of the Day:

At Mount Vernon last weekend, at sunset. Happily this tree was spared by Hurricane Isabel.
World War I Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Waaaaaiiiittt just a minute!
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