I'm Not Gonna Tell You

Wednesday October 10, 2001
- TITLE: "I'm Not Gonna Tell You"
- "� Washington Post �" Here is the link to the Washington Post article from Saturday which caused all the furor.
- Click here to see the amusing Atlanta Travelogue:
Parts I, II, & III: The Trip to Reagan
National, Getting Through Reagan National, The Flight to Atlanta
Part IV: Atlanta: The Home of the Braves and the Land of the
Free Local Calls
Part V: I Find the Lines
Part VI: The Plane to Washington
World War II Poster
- "� intransitive verb �" Here's the definition of "intransitive":
Main Entry: in.tran.si.tive
Pronunciation: (")in-'tran(t)-s&-tiv, -'tran-z&-; -'tran(t)s-tiv
Function: adjective
Etymology: Late Latin intransitivus, from Latin in- + Late Latin transitivus transitive
Date: 1612
1. characterized by not having or containing a direct object
- "� Find out who leaked �" From the House Rules regarding the Select Committee on Intelligence:
(4) The Committee on Standards of Official Conduct shall investigate any unauthorized disclosure of intelligence or intelligence-related information by a Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House in violation of subparagraph (3) and report to the House concerning any allegation that it finds to be substantiated.
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
A Taliban Training base becomes a fixer-upper.
(Pentagon Photo)
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