Even a Stopped Clock ...

Wednesday, October 8, 2003
- TITLE: "Even a Stopped Clock �" Even a stopped clock is correct twice a day.
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- Mullfoto of the Day:

Another reason I'm not invited back.
Sunday night we attended an event at Mount Vernon, the home of George Washington. During a tour of the mansion, I took this photo. Upon hearing the click the docent said, "You can't take pictures in here."
I, in that gentle, understanding way that has endeared me to many thousands over the years said, "Obviously I can take a photograph in here. I just did."
Amid much clucking and eye-rolling from my fellow visitors, I went back outside and had a glass of wine.
British World War II Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Arianna to Gray: "This...THIS is groping!"
(REUTERS/Larry Downing)
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