Rise To De Bait
Monday October 2, 2000
- TITLE: "Rise To De Bait" I don't know, I just needed a pun on the word "debate" and that came out.
- "…the debates, these days." From the movie "Fletch" starring Chevy Chase in which Fletch says, "…it's all about ball bearings, these days."
- "…Ken Herman …" Herman actually said this in New Hampshire right after Gary Bauer fell off the back of the stage at the pancake flipping contest which no reporter saw until they could get a look at the tape that the TV crews had gotten.
- "…register in advance…" It's a pretty painless process.
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- "… thumbnail sketch of each of the debate cities…"
Information on cities hosting the presidential and vice presidential debates. Al Gore and George W. Bush will meet in Boston, Winston-Salem, N.C., and St. Louis; Dick Cheney and Joseph Lieberman in Danville, Ky.:
Boston, MA. Tuesday, October 3
City population: 3,289,096.
Massachusetts population: 6,175,169.
State racial profile, 1998 estimate: 89.7 percent white, 6.4 percent black, 3.6 percent Hispanic.
State median household income, 1995: $39,025.
State percentage below poverty level, 1995: 9.7 percent.
1988 state presidential vote: 53.2 percent Michael Dukakis, 45.4 percent George Bush.
1992 vote: 47.5 percent Bill Clinton, 29 percent Bush, 22.7 percent Ross Perot.
1996 vote: 61.5 percent Clinton, 28.1 percent Dole, 8.9 percent Perot.
Danville, Kentucky Thursday, October 5
City population: 16,470 (1998 estimate).
Kentucky population: 3,960,825.
State racial profile, 1998 estimate: 91.9 percent white, 7.2 percent black, 0.8 percent Hispanic.
State median household income, 1995: $28,929.
State percentage below poverty level, 1995: 17.9 percent.
1988 state presidential vote: 55.5 percent Bush, 43.9 percent Dukakis.
1992 vote: 44.6 percent Clinton, 41.3 percent Bush, 13.7 percent Perot.
1996 vote: 45.8 percent Clinton, 44.9 percent Dole, 8.7 percent Perot.
Winston-Salem, NC Wednesday, October 11
City population: 1,167,629.
North Carolina population: 7,650,789.
State racial profile, 1998 estimate: 75.3 percent white, 22.1 percent black, 2.1 percent Hispanic.
State median household income, 1995: $31,987.
State percentage below poverty level, 1995: 13.1 percent.
1988 state presidential vote: 58 percent Bush, 41.7 percent Dukakis.
1992 vote: 43.4 percent Bush, 42.7 percent Clinton, 13.7 percent Perot.
1996 vote: 48.7 percent Dole, 44 percent Clinton, 6.7 percent Perot.
St. Louis, MO. Tuesday, October 17
City population: 2,563,801.
Missouri population: 5,468,338.
State racial profile, 1998 estimate: 87.2 percent white, 11.3 percent black, 1.6 percent Hispanic.
State median household income, 1995: $31,701.
State percentage below poverty level, 1995: 13.4 percent.
1988 state presidential vote: 51.8 percent Bush, 47.8 percent Dukakis.
1992 vote: 44.1 percent Clinton, 33.9 percent Bush, 21.7 percent Perot.
1996 vote: 47.5 percent Clinton, 41.2 percent Dole, 10.1 percent Perot.
- Mullings "Catchy Caption of the Day"
Quoting from his book, "Earth in the Balance, Gore said, "… and I said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light."
- " …denial-of-service …" This are utilities which allow hackers to "hit" a site with such ferocity that no one else can get in. Yahoo, e-Bay, and others were victims of these attacks.
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