January 29, 1999 Volume II, Number 12
The Opera is Almost Over
Title: “The Opera is Almost Over”
-- “The Opera Ain’t Over ‘Till the Fat Lady Sings”
was first popularlized by the coach of the old
Washington Bullets going into the seventh game of
the NBA finals in the late 70’s. The Bullets won,
changed their name, and have had several new
coaches, but the phrase lives on.
“… Monica, Sidney, and Vernon …”
-- “Abraham, Martin, and John” was a cloying song written and sung by a former
rock ‘n roll star named, Dion who had originally been the lead singer of a 50’s
group called “Dion and the Belmonts.” Dion and the Belmonts’ biggest hits were
“Teenager in Love,” “The Wanderer,” and “Runaround Sue.” The actual lyrics are
here: http://www.higginspage.com/songpages/abrahammj.htm.
“… “Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy rap …”
-- Today Show host Matt Lauer interviewed Hillary Rodham Clinton shortly after the
scandal broke. She blamed it all on the V R-W C. Later in the interview, Lauer
asked her if it would be a problem for a public official who was found to have lied
and covered up an adulterous affair. “That would be a problem,” she said.
“… like a helmsman on the Argo …”
-- From the Greek legend of Jason and the crew of his ship the Argo (hence
Argonauts), which means “swift,” who were in search of the Golden Fleece.
According to the legend, the Argo had to steer away from two huge rocks called
the Symplegades to which they were drawn by the song of the Harpies. But of
course you remember all this from Classical Lit. 213 which was at nine in the
morning and to which you never went but got the Dean’s office to give you a WP
even though you were passed the deadline for dropping courses because you
were so cute and so earnest.
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