Title: “Anyone? Anyone?
-- From the movie “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” in
which the unbelievably boring teacher (played by
Ben Stein) puts a question and finishes with those
“… like information for day traders that some – any
– internet stock …”
-- Day traders are stock speculators who attempt to make money on the
movement of stocks during the day (intra-day trading). Day traders have had an
enormous influence on internet stocks (eBay, Amazon.com, etc.) by bidding them
to dizzying price heights in spite of the fact that very few of them have ever turned a
“… she would kick his bald-headed-snakey-eyed …”
-- James Carville (whom I usually simply refer to as The James) has a similar litany
to describe the Republican party. I chose to use that same construction in
describing him.
“One Movie Title …”
-- Fargo was the name of the black comedy about a murder in the upper Midwest
starring Frances McDormand who won the Oscar for Best Actress.